Shipping a Classic Vehicle

Unless you are buying and selling vehicles on a regular basis the question about car transport and the costs does not come up often. You need to be prepared and know what to do if you are about to ship a car, and especially if it is a vintage or custom automobile. A classic car requires special attention when shipping and thus you need to find a car transport company with experience.

Find an Auto Transporter or Broker

Finding auto transporters is not hard today. All you need to do is go online and do a search for car shipping companies or services. Most established companies have their websites listed and optimized to give you the information you need. Find a few car carrier companies and a few brokers as this way you will have better chances of finding an affordable rate. 

Read Customer Review

When you find a few auto carrier companies online, how do you decide which one to go with? What most people will rely on customer reviews. You want to dig deeper and find out what other customers say about the companies you have chosen. Today most of us are willing to go and write a review when we buy a product or a service, especially if we are not happy with what we got. We voice our opinions all the time online now. So, before you decide on a company read the auto transport reviews online. 

Get Multiple Car Shipping Quotes

Once you have done your research and know the auto transport companies you are considering it is time to collect car shipping quotes. Getting multiple quotes will give you the opportunity to compare the cost of shipping a classic automobile. The car shipping rate will depend on the type of vehicle you are transporting, the distance, the type of transportation method and on how flexible you are with your pickup and delivery dates. Custom vehicles usually call for custom quotes so, often you will find yourself calling the auto transporter for a customized quote. 

Open or Enclosed Auto Transport


antique cars transport

Most auto transporters offer both open and enclosed car shipping service, which is good because that way you can choose. Enclosed auto transport is in general more expensive as it offers a better protection for your vehicle. Classic and custom car' owners prefer enclosed car shipping service because it preserves the car from weather elements, possible flying objects and from dust accumulation. It is more expensive so you will need to consider the level of service you want relative to your budge.


  1. Auto transport city the best leading platform for the shippers and customers to ship their cars within secure payment and 24/7 support assistance.

  2. Very good article with lots of good advice for anyone looking to ship a car.

    I would advice to avoid getting quotes from “online calculators” as they are merely estimates. Contact carrier companies directly to discuss all the details of your move.

    I strongly recommend Nationwide United Auto Transport to get started.
