Project 1983 Lamborghini Jalpa

COTC does not favor project cars. They're usually a waste of time, energy and money. Why buy in pieces when you can buy whole and running? The answer is that a lot of people think projects means the seller will let it go for cheap, but cars like this Lamborghini show that's not always the case. Consider this a cautionary tale, then. COTC is watching out for our readers wallets when possible. Cars are the worst investments made, so they should be in the best possible condition when buying used, and at the very least have major parts intact.

The seller says this '83 Jalpa is rare (true), but then estimates about 50 are left (pure conjecture).

Then they say it has no engine or transmission. This basically eradicates any value the seller thinks it has. All that's left now is a shell, and a shell in very very poor condition, with sanded down sections, mismatched paint, uneven panels and missing parts.

They do say it has shocks, suspension, interior, glass and "rare taillights".

But is that enough to justify a purchase? The body is going to need a ton of work, and a new coat of paint at the very least (please someone do it in either black or white). Then there is mechanical sorting, and worst of all, electrical connections on a 30 year old Italian car. The seller says it would be good for fitting a Fiero transmission and MR2 engine, but you have to find those parts first, make sure they are in good shape, then install everything. This is basically an experts-with-deep-pockets-only car, and even when you're done, it still won't have the Lamborghini exhaust note.

Available here on ebay in Baton Rouge, Louisiana with bidding already too high at $3,350.

You be the judge.

1 comment:

  1. depends on what you want to do with it... even complete a rebuild on the motor runs 20k... so you would be well off to replace the whole drivetrain anyway.. I'd throw in an ls1 v8 and double my horsepower and have 10% the maintenance... body panels, glass suspension and brake are all there... body paint and interior are easy to replace .. wish I would have seen this earlier I'd bid 5k in a heartbeat... if the new owner is tired of it ,or anybody else out there knows of another basket case Jalpa or just tired of sinking money into keeping theirs running..please let me know even if its only a rumor I'd love to rescue/build one myself..

